1996: Issue Issues: Breast Cancer Awareness

Click for the gallery of 1996 stamps

I participated in the very first artfest this year. Making some new stamps especially for the occasion. There was a special room set up just for artistampers to have tables to share and sell their work. This event is mostly rubber stampers and was very big. It has  apparently grown in the years following, but I haven’t kept up with it too much.

For these issues, I took some photos of my newer larger pieces. These  were the first collages of this size (up to 4 feet by 4 feet). I cut the photo  into stamp like blocks and laid them out on paper and collage words and other stuff around them. I have always been equally interested in the area around the  stamps as much as the stamps themselves. At this point I was not using a  computer to do my stamps.

These pieces were some of my more feminist thoughts and beliefs, as well as a bit of personal art therapy. There are more details with the specific stamps.