Tag Archives: shows

2009 EBSQ Show List

I really like the One-word concept monthly idea…

Alice in Wonderland ~ will probably enter this
Self-Portrait Show ~ will totally enter this
One-Word Concept: Economy
Flower of the Month: State Flowers

The Figure in 3-D ~ will totally enter this
Encircled: Necklaces, Bracelets, and Rings
One-Word Concept: Hidden ~ will probably enter this
Flower of the Month: Snow Drops

Squid (& Other Deep Sea Monsters) PERFECT! since this is also the same theme as ARTFEST and the SAME time frame… so obviously ~ will totally enter this
One-Word Concept: Motion ~ will probably enter this
Flower of the Month: Cyclamen

The EBSQ Junk Mail Show
One-Word Concept: Balance ~ will totally enter this
Flower of the Month: Muscari

Reinterpreting Children’s Art I would love to get a drawing from one or both of my nieces and turn it into an art quilt ~ will totally enter this
One-Word Concept: Scintilating
Flower of the Month: Fennel

Macro Bug Photography
Tattoos: Designs for and Depictions of
One-Word Concept: Malice
Flower of the Month: Foxglove

9th Annual Ripped Off
One-Word Concept: Liberty
Flower of the Month: Nasturtium

8th Annual Pet Portrait Swap ~ will probably enter this
In the Bag: Artist-Made Purses & Bags ~ will totally enter this
One-Word Concept: Wanderlust ~ will probably enter this
Flower of the Month: Weeds

Design the next EBSQ T-shirt!
One-Word Concept: Deconstructed ~ will totally enter this
Flower of the Month: Butterfly Bush

Think Pink: A Fundraiser to Benefit Susan G Komen
Zombie Chickens ~ will probably enter this
One-Word Concept: Decay ~ will totally enter this
Flower of the Month: Squash & Gourds (both flowers & fruit eligible)

9th Annual Portrait Swap
Two-Tones Only ~ will totally enter this
One-Word Concept: Bored ~ will probably enter this
Flower of the Month: Bark

Annual Better Late Than Never Show
The Art of the Art Journal ~ will totally enter this
One-Word Concept: Ancient
Flower of the Month: Eucalyptus

Art/Not Terminal and Art Communities

(photo from my first solo show at A/NT in 1994…
girl in red dress in the center is me.)

This funky artist run gallery gave me my start in the art world. It was the first place I showed my work and the first place I sold work, even my first solo show. It continues to amaze me that it is still running. I know if I lived closer I would still participate. I was treasurer and even president of the board for a few years. I was also the gallery zine editor and publisher for a few years. It was and is still a great community that is eclectic and supportive of newcomers. It rarely gets any press so I was excited to hear that it got some nice props from the Seattle PI this week.. even if it is just in their blog. (after all blogs really are where the real news is these days.)

Artist communities are a great way to get support. These days there are many online communities (like EBSQ) but they can never completely take the place of face to face communities. My friend Amy participates in one closer to me… one in which I keep telling myself that I need to get involved.

In what artist communities do you participate? Online or face to face, which do you prefer?

Gallery Opening January 2008

What a great way to start the new year! I was amazed at how packed the gallery was and how many people we doing gallery walk. It was pouring down rain and traffic getting there was pretty scary with many violent accidents on the side of the road. But Josh and I arrived in one piece, found some free parking only 5 blocks away and headed over to the gallery.

Arriving damp but excited, I found the owner and let him know I was there, then search for my art and someone that I might know. Found the art. He select 4 great pieces including GREED my all time favorite. We tried to eavesdrop on people talking about my art, but I wasn’t brave enough to introduce myself to these interested strangers. People were interested and interesting!

We checked out all the artist loft studios above the gallery. Six floors of great little hidden spaces, many with interesting, beautiful, weird, and some ugly art. Josh was amazed at all of it. He was wearing his cool new top hat and fitting in well with the funky artist look.

Josh had a good time looking at and critiquing the art. I think he was also inspired. Overall, I was very impressed with the gallery and had fun! But I wish the owner had introduced me to some people… or had run into some people that I know!

Now I need to make some new art for the February show and cross my fingers that some thing sell!

Canvas Gallery

S.M.A.R.T. Art Goals and Reflections

WOW… I was just looking through the art I have entered into EBSQ Shows over the past 4 years (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) and was really impressed with my consistency to make art based on the themes and even to win recognition a few times. This year I am setting SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and with a Time line) instead of just the standard resolutions. So I have decided on my SMART-ART goal for 2008.

I will create at least one NEW artwork (in any medium of my choice as is fitting for the theme) per month to enter into EBSQ Shows.

The shows that I am scoping out and thinking up ideas include:

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EBSQ Shows 2007

January 2007

April 2007

July 2007

  • 7th Annual Ripped Off Show Violet

August 2007

September 2007

November 2007

December 2007