ArtSoMoFo October 2008

These are my first couple arts for this year’s challenge of making some art everyday for the month of October. These are just some quick examples I was doing for students in class as I showed them how to use Photoshop. But I pretty much make art everyday at school, so I might as well show it off here too.




Although the above were made at school as examples… this one was made at home. The girl in the center is from a photo shoot I did in the early 90’s when I was actually still developing my own film and printing my own photos. The other images are from a great photo sharing flickr group that posts images to be used in collage.


One thought on “ArtSoMoFo October 2008

  1. Robert A. Sloan

    wow! I like the chimerical dog with a scorpion’s tail, that is so dramatic — and your mandalalike ones are beautiful too. This last one, the top one is chilling though — it’s like you summed up all sorts of pressures and demands women go through, and circled them around with a tape measure jamming them into a square when they’re doing some synchronized beautiful dance of their own instead, and the vial and old fashioned price tags on the bottom connect with this theme as well. Scary powerful emotional stuff.

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