Something This Way…

I love Halloween and perhaps I even like Fall. Actually, I do love the smell of fall leaves, wood burning stoves filling the crisp air and the colors of bright reds and oranges that fill the trees and skies. But I hate the dark, cold and wet, which is what fall mostly is around here. I have always loved Halloween because I love making costumes, becoming someone else for a short time. I love dark stories and poems. Like Poe and King NOT Saw and chop them up type movies.

This Fall has been a roller coaster of ups and downs for me… The teaching has been going so well, but physically I have been suffering from an endless cold for almost a month now. It has been hard with the increasing bad weather to get in the needed healthy exercise and nutrition (don’t you just crave those comfort foods that are oh so bad for you when its cold?)

What is your favorite season? What do you like about Fall?

Today’s Mandala is about Fall. Photos are some creative commons photos (one, two) altered in Adobe Photoshop Elements along with some of my own. I have a really simple mandala tutorial that my students use to create this type of digital art. If you are interested in giving it a try yourself. be sure to share the results!

4 thoughts on “Something This Way…

  1. Robert A. Sloan

    The colors and patterns in this blow me away. I like the crows with their clean white lines, I like the central orangy bits, I like the blue purple flourishes. The mass of detail and elegant eighteenth-nineteenth century decorations repeated into a mandala goes right to the heart of mandalas … so much complexity that it becomes simplicity and eases the mind into contemplation.

  2. Timaree (freebird)

    I saved your lesson on mandalas. I am hoping to get Elements for Christmas so I can do some of the neat digital stuff I see. Your mandala is very Halloweenish – love it. My daughter makes costumes for her kids. She makes them nice enough to save as she wants them for her grandkids in the future too. I like fall but not for Halloween. I like it as a break from the heat of summer which I don’t do well with. When I lived in Illinois and Minnesota I enjoyed the changing leaf colors which I don’t get here in Arizona – the leaves just dry up and blow away in the ever present wind. Hope you feel better soon.

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