Journal 52 Week 3(2014) theme: You Make Me Smile
It was a no-brainer to make Cosmo the focus of this page. He is always so happy it is contagious!
I did an acrylic wash on this page spread right after I finished the previous page so it would be dry and ready the next time I wanted to journal. I like this plan as it allows for drying time, which I am usually too impatient for and lets me wrap up a journal session with something quick and fun. So as soon as I was done with this page, I did the same thing… Making a background for the next journal page.
When I did the red border it looked too much like flames, which was not my intention, so I had to add blue to bring it back to more playful and less flames from hell. The photo I had printed using the Walgreens onlune photo app. It was fast and cheap and easier than dealing with my old, slow, dusty computer.
I am really loving the PITT pen for writing, but it took a beating on the lettering I did on my suitcase, so I might need to buy a new one soon.