Vicki featured my dress doll form  in her regular Fiber Field trip feature. Cool!
thanks Vicki!
Category Archives: Cool Websites
Free Tutorials
Surfing around a lot while snowbound here in the Pacific Northwest. We have more snow right now than in 30 years!
Two Creative Studios  is one site that I found today that has a bunch of cool free tutorials in addition to some great looking online classes. I am so inspired that I am heading up to the studio to work on some fun fabric stuff! (probably more doll clothes, but I also have a quilt to finish for Christmas gifts.)
Are you trapped in the snow? What are you up to for the holidays?
Perhaps my art twin?
I apparently have found my art twin. Over the years when I was primarily working with collage on glass, and showing… I always wondered if someone else was doing the same type of thing. I had seen painting on glass… but never collage. So today this guy, Mike, from France posts a comment on my blog and it seems that around the SAME YEARS as me, he was also doing collage on glass.
Then as I look to his bio I see that he is born in a year and date very close to me. So we are both 40 something geminis (me: 05/25/67 him: 05/27/65) He also does performance and installation arts, both types that I admire and he writes quite a bit. He is very diverse in his creations as I have been… we just went off in different directions.
So anyways, for the time being I will think of him as my art twin… and I will continue to keep an eye on his work. You should check it out as well!
My Mask Keeps Changing

My Mask Keeps Changing, originally uploaded by stilettoheights.
I have to say, and in only 3 days, Seth’s newest edition to the PULSE is going to change my life. I am discovering some new wonderful artists. Yet, I have barely read through half the list of artists. WOW!
Jennifer is my new favorite artist! I discovered her on Seth’s PULSE. This entire set is to die for! I love her style and her sense of sophistication is stunning. I thought they were digital at first, but after reading descriptions at etsy, it looks like they are all paper and paint. She is self publishing several books of these collages, some with poetry.
Here is what she said about her style:
Um….I am pretty wordy so this is hard for me, but here goes. My work is mixed media collage based, heavily influenced by emotion and a sense of longing. Pieces are shrouded in metaphor and color to create visual poems.(not sure if that makes any sense to anyone but me)
She has a great etsy shop and has self published some books that I think I HAVE to buy!
If you haven’t checked out Seth’s Blog yet… get over there right now!
Time…Where has it gone?
Well, I will admit that most of mine has been spent in front of the TV lately instead of in the studio. But I have also been on a couple of mini field trips and seen some great art and pretty nature. I loaded a ton of pictures and wanted to share a couple. I hope you enjoy!
This lovely painting I found in the Seattle Convention center and is by blanca santander check out her work here
ArtFest is around the corner so keep posted for some great new art to be posted in the next few weeks.
The Art Quilts of Margot Lovinger
So I am looking into art groups to be a part of, especially fabric oriented ones. I want to do more with my art quilting and take it to the next level. So I was (once again) exploring the Contemporary QuiltArt Association website. I ran across Margot’s website a few years back when I was exploring the same site for the same reasons. Her work is similar to what I envision mine to be (but with my own slant.) I am sure her technique is similar to what I am doing too… except she seems to use a lot of sheer layers. I would really love to see one of them in person. For fabric the flat images on the internet rarely do them justice.
So I have printed the application to the CQA and plan to get it sent in as I continue work on my latest art quilt.
Explore some yourself and see what strikes your fancy!
Peter Clark
This guy uses paper in a way I have dreamed of! these pieces seem to be 3-dimensional and have so much detail and texture. They are wonderful! He has a dog series that looks pet-able and a clothing series that look wearable. The website is easy to navigate too.
Fiber Favorites
Sewing: I like to sew, I love fabric and make quilts, dolls and other fiber art. Here are some links for buying and using fabric. A fun site that shows old patterns and all things weird re: clothing
Fabric: quilts, dolls, fabric books
AADA Artist Doll Gallery The Academy of American Doll Artist Foundation, Inc. Continue reading
More Linky Goodness
I am an artist and a great many of my live and online friends are artists too. So this is the biggest and best set of links. Art sites, art resources, galleries, organizations and magazines!
Mixed Media: Collage, ATCs, Altered Books, dolls, Assemblage
Continue reading
My Favorite Sites of 2006
art propensity Chosen for TOP TEN, not only because she is really coming into her own style with her dolls, but also because her web site is really top notch. Patricia Anders, Â claiming my propensity for art on this spec of the world wide web where I weave my work into galleries of:Â figurative sculpture, art dolls, “Diva Dollie” jewelry sets, and flat art
DJ Pettitt Chosen for TOP TEN, because I LOVE and WANT one of her fantastic purses. Creating artwork using original photographs and drawings, vintage ephemera, found objects, newly painted papers, and recycled papers. Substrates include stretched and unstretched canvas, Stonehenge and watercolor paper, recycled book covers, and fabric, all treated with a variety of polymer mediums, acrylic paint, glazes, and colored pencil. Original images are created using a combination of digital and traditional collage methods.
Keith lobue Mixed media, Chosen for TOP TEN, not only for his artwork, but also for his amazing web site! Keith E. Lo Bue’s work with found objects gave rise in October of 1989 to his first solo exhibition, entitled Oddments. In the ensuing years his work has evolved into minute constructed environments, oftentimes viewed through lenses, that have been called “diminutive museums, reliquaries of dreams.” (Raymond Smith) His art has been recognized and selected for awards by Senior Curators at the Museum Of Modern Art, the Guggenheim Museum and the American Craft Museum. Solo exhibitions have occurred in New York City, Chicago, Baltimore, Westport, CT and several other cities.
Kirsten Francis Printmaker Chosen for TOP TEN, because I have LOVED this artist since I saw her work at the Bellevue Fair YEARS ago. Here method of printmaking is inspiring and her subjects are deep and filled with symbolism. Woodblock Print Creation Process I use the color reduction printmaking technique, whereas only one woodblock is used to print successive layers or runs of color. I begin by drawing directly onto the plywood block with pencil and fixing the image with a spray varnish.
Each run of color is then made by repeatedly carving out additional areas of the wood block, rolling the block up with an oil-based ink, and then printing it on to paper using an etching press in my home studio. I build up the image, layer upon layer, starting with the lightest colored inks and progressing to the darkest. I usually print 8 runs using between 8 and 13 different colors.
Off the Hook Studios, Art by Jami Moffett what can I say I just love this site.