My identity is currently in flux. I have been an artist for most of my life, for over a decade I have been an educator, in the last 7 years I have become a dog mommy. But it has been a long time since I have identified as being an athlete. I am currently on a journey, I have been majorly changing my health habits. As I change what and how I eat, increase my fitness and adjust for ever higher goals, I have suddenly discovered that I am becoming an athlete. This is great and I am pleased with this change. But it also feels like it is coming with an unanticipated cost. The cost of loosing touch of the artist part of me.
I haven’t made any art outside of my classroom for months. I still make little project examples for my students and that is fun, relaxing and still good. But not really “MY art.” I keep thinking that once school ends I will have more time to be both an athlete and an artist, but I will also be busy with being a gardener and a dog mommy. I can’t fathom ~not~ being an artist. So I will need to work to rediscover that part of me, find my muse, get back into the swing of things… or whatever.
Until then…. I ride!
Have you read The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron? It helps me find my muse, but I only play an artist on television…